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npm: @typescript-eslint/rule-tester v7.18.0

A utility for testing ESLint rules

This is a fork of ESLint's built-in RuleTester to provide some better types and additional features for testing TypeScript rules.


For non-type-aware rules you can test them as follows:

import { RuleTester } from '@typescript-eslint/rule-tester';
import rule from '../src/rules/my-rule.ts';

const ruleTester = new RuleTester();'my-rule', rule, {
valid: [
// valid tests can be a raw string,
'const x = 1;',
// or they can be an object
code: 'const y = 2;',
options: [{ ruleOption: true }],

// you can enable JSX parsing by passing parserOptions.ecmaFeatures.jsx = true
code: 'const z = <div />;',
parserOptions: {
ecmaFeatures: {
jsx: true,
invalid: [
// invalid tests must always be an object
code: 'const a = 1;',
// invalid tests must always specify the expected errors
errors: [
messageId: 'ruleMessage',
// If applicable - it's recommended that you also assert the data in
// addition to the messageId so that you can ensure the correct message
// is generated
data: {
placeholder1: 'a',

// fixers can be tested using the output parameter
code: 'const b = 1;',
output: 'const c = 1;',
errors: [
/* ... */
// passing `output = null` will enforce the code is NOT changed
code: 'const c = 1;',
output: null,
errors: [
/* ... */
// Multi-pass fixes can be tested using the array form of output.
// Note: this is unique to typescript-eslint, and doesn't exist in ESLint core.
code: 'const d = 1;',
output: ['const e = 1;', 'const f = 1;'],
errors: [
/* ... */

// suggestions can be tested via errors
code: 'const d = 1;',
output: null,
errors: [
messageId: 'suggestionError',
suggestions: [
messageId: 'suggestionOne',
output: 'const e = 1;',
// passing `suggestions = null` will enforce there are NO suggestions
code: 'const d = 1;',
output: null,
errors: [
messageId: 'noSuggestionError',
suggestions: null,

Type-Aware Testing

Type-aware rules can be tested in almost exactly the same way, except you need to create some files on disk. We require files on disk due to a limitation with TypeScript in that it requires physical files on disk to initialize the project. We suggest creating a fixture folder nearby that contains three files:

  1. file.ts - this should be an empty file.
  2. react.tsx - this should be an empty file.
  3. tsconfig.json - this should be the config to use for your test, for example:
    "compilerOptions": {
    "strict": true
    "include": ["file.ts", "react.tsx"]

It's important to note that both file.ts and react.tsx must both be empty files! The rule tester will automatically use the string content from your tests - the empty files are just there for initialization.

You can then test your rule by providing the type-aware config:

const ruleTester = new RuleTester({
parserOptions: {
tsconfigRootDir: './path/to/your/folder/fixture',
project: './tsconfig.json',

With that config the parser will automatically run in type-aware mode and you can write tests just like before.

Test Dependency Constraints

Sometimes it's desirable to test your rule against multiple versions of a dependency to ensure backwards and forwards compatibility. With backwards-compatibility testing there comes a complication in that some tests may not be compatible with an older version of a dependency. For example - if you're testing against an older version of TypeScript, certain features might cause a parser error!

// `Options` and `RangeOptions` are defined in the 'semver' package.
// We redeclare them here to avoid a peer dependency on that package:
export interface RangeOptions {
includePrerelease?: boolean | undefined;
loose?: boolean | undefined;

export interface SemverVersionConstraint {
readonly range: string;
readonly options?: RangeOptions | boolean;
export type AtLeastVersionConstraint =
| `${number}.${number}.${number}-${string}`
| `${number}.${number}.${number}`
| `${number}.${number}`
| `${number}`;
export type VersionConstraint =
| AtLeastVersionConstraint
| SemverVersionConstraint;
* Passing a string for the value is shorthand for a '>=' constraint
export type DependencyConstraint = Readonly<Record<string, VersionConstraint>>;

The RuleTester allows you to apply dependency constraints at either an individual test or constructor level.

const ruleTester = new RuleTester({
dependencyConstraints: {
// none of the tests will run unless `my-dependency` matches the semver range `>=1.2.3`
'my-dependency': '1.2.3',
// you can also provide granular semver ranges
'my-granular-dep': {
// none of the tests will run unless `my-granular-dep` matches the semver range `~3.2.1`
range: '~3.2.1',
});'my-rule', rule, {
valid: [
code: 'const y = 2;',
dependencyConstraints: {
// this test won't run unless BOTH dependencies match the given ranges
first: '1.2.3',
second: '3.2.1',
invalid: [
/* ... */

All dependencies provided in the dependencyConstraints object must match their given ranges in order for a test to not be skipped.

With Specific Frameworks

ESLint's RuleTester relies on some global hooks for tests. If they aren't available globally, your tests will fail with an error like:

Error: Missing definition for `afterAll` - you must set one using `RuleTester.afterAll` or there must be one defined globally as `afterAll`.

Be sure to set RuleTester's static properties before calling new RuleTester(...) for the first time.


Consider setting up RuleTester's static properties in a mochaGlobalSetup fixture:

import * as mocha from 'mocha';
import { RuleTester } from '@typescript-eslint/rule-tester';

RuleTester.afterAll = mocha.after;


Consider setting up RuleTester's static properties in a setupFiles script:

import * as vitest from 'vitest';
import { RuleTester } from '@typescript-eslint/rule-tester';

RuleTester.afterAll = vitest.afterAll;

// If you are not using vitest with globals: true ( =;
RuleTester.itOnly =;
RuleTester.describe = vitest.describe;

Node built-in test runner

Consider setting up RuleTester's static properties in a preloaded module using the --import or --require flag:

// setup.js
import * as test from 'node:test';
import { RuleTester } from '@typescript-eslint/rule-tester';

RuleTester.afterAll = test.afterAll;
RuleTester.describe = test.describe; =;
RuleTester.itOnly =;

Tests can then be run from the command line like so:

node --import setup.js --test


RuleTester constructor options

import type { FlatConfig } from '@typescript-eslint/utils/ts-eslint';

import type { DependencyConstraint } from './DependencyConstraint';

* Additional configuration options specific to @typescript-eslint/rule-tester.
export interface RuleTesterConfig extends FlatConfig.Config {
* The default filenames to use for type-aware tests.
* @default { ts: 'file.ts', tsx: 'react.tsx' }
readonly defaultFilenames?: Readonly<{
ts: string;
tsx: string;
* Constraints that must pass in the current environment for any tests to run.
readonly dependencyConstraints?: DependencyConstraint;

Valid test case options

import type {
} from '@typescript-eslint/utils/ts-eslint';

import type { DependencyConstraint } from './DependencyConstraint';

export interface TestLanguageOptions {
* Environments for the test case.
readonly env?: Readonly<Linter.EnvironmentConfig>;
* The additional global variables.
readonly globals?: Readonly<Linter.GlobalsConfig>;
* The absolute path for the parser.
readonly parser?: Readonly<Parser.LooseParserModule>;
* Options for the parser.
readonly parserOptions?: Readonly<ParserOptions>;

export interface ValidTestCase<Options extends readonly unknown[]> {
* Name for the test case.
readonly name?: string;
* Code for the test case.
readonly code: string;
* The fake filename for the test case. Useful for rules that make assertion about filenames.
readonly filename?: string;
* Language options for the test case.
readonly languageOptions?: TestLanguageOptions;
* Options for the test case.
readonly options?: Readonly<Options>;
* Settings for the test case.
readonly settings?: Readonly<SharedConfigurationSettings>;
* Run this case exclusively for debugging in supported test frameworks.
readonly only?: boolean;
* Skip this case in supported test frameworks.
readonly skip?: boolean;
* Constraints that must pass in the current environment for the test to run
readonly dependencyConstraints?: DependencyConstraint;

Invalid test case options

import type { AST_NODE_TYPES, AST_TOKEN_TYPES } from '@typescript-eslint/utils';
import type { ReportDescriptorMessageData } from '@typescript-eslint/utils/ts-eslint';

import type { DependencyConstraint } from './DependencyConstraint';
import type { ValidTestCase } from './ValidTestCase';

export interface SuggestionOutput<MessageIds extends string> {
* Reported message ID.
readonly messageId: MessageIds;
* The data used to fill the message template.
readonly data?: ReportDescriptorMessageData;
* NOTE: Suggestions will be applied as a stand-alone change, without triggering multi-pass fixes.
* Each individual error has its own suggestion, so you have to show the correct, _isolated_ output for each suggestion.
readonly output: string;

// we disallow this because it's much better to use messageIds for reusable errors that are easily testable
// readonly desc?: string;

export interface TestCaseError<MessageIds extends string> {
* The 1-based column number of the reported start location.
readonly column?: number;
* The data used to fill the message template.
readonly data?: ReportDescriptorMessageData;
* The 1-based column number of the reported end location.
readonly endColumn?: number;
* The 1-based line number of the reported end location.
readonly endLine?: number;
* The 1-based line number of the reported start location.
readonly line?: number;
* Reported message ID.
readonly messageId: MessageIds;
* Reported suggestions.
readonly suggestions?: readonly SuggestionOutput<MessageIds>[] | null;
* The type of the reported AST node.

// we disallow this because it's much better to use messageIds for reusable errors that are easily testable
// readonly message?: string | RegExp;

export interface InvalidTestCase<
MessageIds extends string,
Options extends readonly unknown[],
> extends ValidTestCase<Options> {
* Expected errors.
readonly errors: readonly TestCaseError<MessageIds>[];
* The expected code after autofixes are applied. If set to `null`, the test runner will assert that no autofix is suggested.
readonly output?: string | string[] | null;
* Constraints that must pass in the current environment for the test to run
readonly dependencyConstraints?: DependencyConstraint;